How to determine what is the due date for holding the Annual General Meeting of a company

Annual General Meeting is a very important event for every company wherein Directors present company’s financial results of the past year, the performance of the company, company’s future prospects and business plan to the members of the company. The Board of Directors of the company act as an agent of the company and members being owners of the company, Board is answerable to them. Therefore Annual General Meeting is a very big event for every company....

September 5, 2021 · 5 min

Detailed Procedure for Increase in Authorised Share Capital of a Company

Share Capital is an amount invested by the promoters while incorporating a company. As business expands, more capital is required. The capital limit set up by the promoters as and there it becomes necessary for the company to increase its authorised capital limits. What is Authorised share capital of a company? Authorised share capital is the maximum limit upto which a company can issue shares to the shareholders. This limit is mentioned in the Memorandum of Association of the company under “Capital Clause”....

July 8, 2021 · 7 min

Procedure for shifting of Registered Office of a company within local limits

What is the Registered office of a company? The Registered Office of a company is the place from where the principal business activities of a company are carried out. In short it is an office address of the company to which official letters, notices, communications will be sent by the Government authorities, Banks, Financial Institutions and various other stakeholders of the company. Why is it important to have a Registered Office of a company?...

July 3, 2021 · 8 min

Procedure for Appointment of Additional Director

Introduction Section 149(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 requires every company to have a Board of Directors, consisting of individuals as under: For Private Limited companies - Minimum of 2 Directors For Public limited companies - Minimum of 3 directors and  For One Person company - One Director The maximum number of Directors allowed on the Board is 15 but the company by passing a special resolution at General Meeting may increase the maximum number and appoint more than 15 Directors on its Board....

May 10, 2021 · 9 min